If you have a comment about how we can make this service better or you have constructive comments (please make sure you understand how remailers work and the limitations that places on us), please feel free to contact us.  

This is a free non-profit service and, as such, it may take a long time for the administrators to respond to a message you might send us.

If you need to correspond with the admins privately, here are the PGP public keys for the admin account of this system.

For comments or questions please contact the Remailer Admin: [webmaster at cypherpunks dot faithweb dot com]

The Xandra Anonymous Remailers Abuse Help file (Click here for information about how to report abuse of the services we provide)



Donate and Sponsor the Xandra Anonymous Remailer Network
The Xandra Anonymous Remailer have recently become popular throughout the world.
The major reason for the massive popularity of the Xandra Remailer System is that it is extremely easy to use. Anyone who can type "Anon-To:'' or "Anon-Post-To:" into the message body of an e-mail message, can send anonymous mail to another e-mail address or a Usenet newsgroup.
Instructions on how to use the Xandra Remailer

We spent hundreds of hours of work put into maintaining the remailer and updating the site. If you satisfied with our free service, please help us keep the Xandra Anonymous Remailer alive and free. We are very grateful for your support. Feel free and donate. Our e-gold account number is: 1022949

Enter the amount to donate: worth of

This form will redirect you to e-gold secure page for entering your account number and for confirmation.

E-Gold - THE ULTIMATE WORLDWIDE FREE ANONYMOUS INTERNET CURRENCY! If you don't have an e-gold account, click here and open yours today FREE!

Remember also to click on the banner ads you see, they keep this site free for you.




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Xandra Anonymous Remailer

© 2003 Xandra International Freedom Association